Answers to the four questions posted last week


1.  Look at a cubical box if you can find one. It does not even have to be  exact cube. If it is on a table, you can see it has a top, four sides and a bottom that sits on the table. So, how many sides does it have?


Try and draw a circle inside the square so that it just touches all four sides of the square.
The diameter of this circle is 2 inches, and it fits completely inside the square. So, the ant that must walk all round the circle will take less time. Right?

3.  The car is traveling north when it makes a right turn.
    After this turn, it would be traveling east. The it makes another right     turn.
    After that turn, the car would be traveling south. Now it makes the        third right turn.
    After this turn, the car would be traveling west.

4.   What is half of six? 3!

    Srinivasan Ramani 


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