Watching Jupiter and Venus

Photo credit: NASA and JPL. Image from Wikimedia Commons. This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Some of the readers of this blog have been telling me that it is difficult to see Mercury. In Bengaluru, the Sun will rise at about 6:40 AM tomorrow. I have set the alarm to wake me up to see mercury at 6 AM. But it is not always easy for me to get up that early! I have found a good solution to the problem. Tomorrow, the Sun will set in the West, at about 6:30 PM, in Bengaluru. After seven PM, I will be able to see two bright planets in the west. I saw them today. The brighter one is Venus, and it will be lower in the sky than the other. The other one will be Jupiter. I am excited about these planets. More than four hundred years ago, in the year 1610, the Astronomer Galileo started observing these two planets with a home-made telescope. He saw that all of Venus was not uniformly lit. It has phases,...